Sarah Cameron Aluminum Can Pop Top Necklace – Thrift or Buy?

Millions of teenage and college aged girls have not only binged Outer Banks Season 2, they are using it for fashion going into the fall 2021 school year. One of the most popular necklace trends is sure to be the aluminum or soda can pop top/tab necklace that is worn by Sarah Cameron throughout much of Season 2. It looks like this:

Before going out and spending $20 or $30 at American Eagle, Free People or Anthropologie it would be wise to go to your nearest thrift store, find a gold chain and take a pop top off a soda can. In the late 1990s and early 2000s girls would wear a necklace with numerous pop tops which was a way of saying how many guys she had had a relationship with. Whether that was a physical relationship or just an emotional relationship was always “to be determined”. Some would argue that was a way to display your body count.

It will be fascinating to see how many teenage girls are wearing the aluminum can pop top necklace in the all of 2021. Will it be popular on college campuses in North Carolina such as UNC, NC State and UNC Wilmington? Will College of Charleston girls be wearing this type of necklace? Only time will tell.

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